hello and welcome to my "web site"

my name is "ed". i also go by "dave" or "dial" on the internet. call me whatever you like :P

im 16 years old and a boy. i dont know what astrology is but im a leo which i think is good since you can never go wrong with cats imo.

oh and speaking of cats, if you like cats make sure you check out "chance and johnny appreciation zone" before you go

my website is a bit of a work in progress but ill be adding more content whenever i have free time. ill probably make pages about my characters and stories and whatever i happen to think is "cool"

thanks for stopping by o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o

> "stuff i think is cool" page
> chance and johnny appreciation zone
> cool sites
> more pages coming ... soon

find me on:
> twitter
> curiouscat
> flight rising